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poetry workshops and residencies I attended

- ATELIER DE POÉSIE ANIMÉ PAR SÉVERINE DAUCOURT (March to June 2023): poetry writing workshop, funded by the Région Île de France, at Le Merle Moqueur (Paris, 20th district, France)



Le Merle Moqueur, July the 2nd, 2023

- ATELIER RÉPARATIONS ANIMÉ PAR MARC PERRIN (16/04/23): writing workshop based on the French literary magazine Réparations at the EXC bookshop (Paris, 3rd district, France)

- ATELIER DE POÉSIE ANIMÉ PAR MANGE TES MOTS (22/05/23): poetry writing workshop on the theme of "bar stories" at Lou Pascalou (Paris, 20th district, France)


- ATELIER DE POÉSIE ANIMÉ PAR INSA SANE (21/06/23): poetry writing workshop on the theme of "the City of Paris" at the Espace Jeunesse Péri (Saint-Denis, France)

- ATELIER DE POÉSIE ANIMÉ PAR MANGE TES MOTS (01/10/23): poetry writing workshop on the theme of "love" at Lou Pascalou (Paris, 20th district, France)​


- ATELIER DE POÉSIE ANIMÉ PAR MANGE TES MOTS (14/05/24): poetry writing workshop on the theme of "emptiness" at Lou Pascalou (Paris, 20th district, France)


- RÉSIDENCE LA FACTORIE (from January 13th to 24th, 2025): in residence at the Maison de la Poésie et de l'Oralité (Rouen, France)

poetry workshops I led

- ATELIER DE POÉSIE ANIMÉ AU LYCÉE HONORÉ D'URFÉ (ESABAC) (07/02/24): poetry writing workshop in Italian and French on the theme of "the City of Saint-Étienne" (Saint-Étienne, France)



- ATELIER DE POÉSIE ANIMÉ À LA MAISON DES FEMMES (2023 - ongoing): poetry writing workshops (Paris, 12th district, France)

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